One Starry Night

One Starry Night

From: Designs from Pamela

One Starry Night

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Designs from Pamela
Two cows

On Casa Cenina you can find on offer all the charts by Designs from Pamela: you will benefit from a 33% cut on the purchase of each product of this brand!

Pamela H. Bartnett is an American author which makes both original charts and adaptations of antique samplers and embroideries. Her new works and her restorations reflect her love for folk art: each stitch is a real tribute to American cross-stitch.

Born in Chicago, Pamela always tries to mix together in her works her love for metropolis and for the country of Virgina, where she lives nowadays with her husband and their three children, by getting inspired to the colonial city of Williamsburg.

Her artistic career started 30 years ago with the discovery of needlework and samplers. From a passion, that of embroidery has become a work which, as Pamela states, is given by her creativity and it is not produced by any training. In fact, a lot of her embroideries are directly taken from some of her pictures (oil canvas or drawings).

So, let's profit from this offer as to take one of the following charts: Two cows, One Starry Night, Pineapple Apple, On Re-Creation, A Father's Joy, Christmas Village and A bunny in three trees.
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