Stitching Halloween

Date Added: 10/27/2010

Halloween: an event which has become famous even in Italy.
Halloween: the right occasion to have fun with your children.
Halloween: one of the most used themes in embroideries.

There is nothing more to say. Halloween is now a well-known celebration even in Europe. Children get dressed as fairies, magicians or ghosts and they already taste at the end of October the Carnival atmosphere. And, on the other hand, parents try new dishes made with pumpkins!
Embroidery, from cross-stitch to needlepoint, is full of projects about this celebration, by which a lot of designs are inspired.

Also the Belgian Marie Suarez, our guest at the Festa del Ricamo and at Abilmente Vicenza, has been inspired by this magical event and she has created her personal Halloween.
By Hoffman Media, here is an entire review dedicated exclusively to Halloween, the Just Cross Stitch: September/October 2010, with more than 15 creepy charts. And here are also a lot of mini-kits easy and quick to make, all produced by Mill Hill: Bootiful Pumpkin, Pumpkin Smile, Black Kitty Magic and more and more decorations of the Autumn Harvest Pins collection.

And if you want to have just a general idea about the great quantity of Halloween products in our catalog, have a look at this page. A lot of products, aren't they? Uo to now (and it is not Halloween yet!) they are already 486...
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