Joyaux de printemps 3
Joyaux de printemps 3

Joyaux de printemps 3

Cross-stitch chart

From: Renato Parolin

1 reviews | Write your review
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Spring comes early with the scent of these pink wisterias, in a collection inspired by a particularly warm winter who has displayed, to whom who had the capacity to perceive it, bits of unexpected colors among the leaves of the woods.
Stitch Count: 90 x 260

To see the list of materials needed to complete this project click here.

[SCHRP2016-JOYAUXprint3 #117561]
Flowers Herbs Cross Stitch
€ 11.20
instead of 14.00 Discount 20% you save 2.80€

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Renato Parolin - Bestsellers
Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the Joyaux de printemps 3.
We have inserted for each item the necessary quantities. You can obviously change them according to your needings/requests. When you have arranged the quantities click on the button IN CART at the end of the list and all the products with a quantity different from 0 will be inserted in your shopping cart
If you want to buy only the chart click on the button IN CART above the list.

  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
MaRo66165 Wednesday 21 February, 2024

Very beautiful rendering, once finished with a thinner frame and dark green color.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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