Portrait of the Volkonsky Children with the Arap (Karl Bryullov
Portrait of the Volkonsky Children with the Arap (Karl Bryullov
Portrait of the Volkonsky Children with the Arap (Karl Bryullov
Portrait of the Volkonsky Children with the Arap (Karl Bryullov
Portrait of the Volkonsky Children with the Arap (Karl Bryullov

Portrait of the Volkonsky Children with the Arap (Karl Bryullov

Cross-stitch kit - Paintings

From: Zolotoe Runo Golden Fleece

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Kit contains Zweigart aida (18 count), Madeira mouline threads (109 colours),embroidery needle,color chart and instructions (English and Russian).
Museum Collection
Size: 61 cm. x 49 cm.
UPC/EAN: 4680019534152

Note: due to dimensions and weight, the shipping cost for this product will be increased by 9.90€. We do not guarantee the shipping of this product to non-European countries.

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€ 146.88
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