Wonder Clips (50)
Wonder Clips (50)
Wonder Clips (50)
Wonder Clips (50)
Wonder Clips (50)

Wonder Clips (50)

50 wonder clips for hand and machine quilting

From: CasaCenina

2 reviews | Write your review

Stop with pins everywhere, to keep the top, batting and back of our quilts safely together! These clips - expressly designed for hand and machine quilting - stand out for their specific structure and grip on the three traditional parts of the sandwich, which any quilt come from, and can be used for any creative sewing project, too, of course.
Extremely easy and fast to use, they'll flow smoothly on your sewing machine and make binding amazingly easy as well!
Size about 27 mm. x 10 mm. each
50 pcs pack.

Sewing Accesories/Decorative Patchwork
€ 23.50

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  2 Customers Reviews (5.00
Cristina da Castelnovo ne' Monti Thursday 02 August, 2018

These clips have a "fierce bite", do not be fooled by minute measurements, have a powerful grip that allows you to also assemble cartons covered with fabric that need to be kept still for proper assembly. I think of boxes to be covered, pinkeepers to be fixed ... Generous quantity for an excellent product with the "Casa Cenina" brand. I will certainly also take the largest measure.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
lilli03 Friday 23 March, 2018

clothespins with a very powerful hold. really comfortable for various uses besides quilting. very happy to have bought them. the next ones will be the largest ones

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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