Somebunny to love: Eskimo Kiss

Somebunny to love: Eskimo Kiss

From: DMC

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Cross stitch kit includes 16ct Aida, floss, needle and instruction. 13 x 18 cm.

[KITDMC-BL024-51 #25017]
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  1 Customers Reviews (5.00
cimi24245 Saturday 27 April, 2013

The DMC products are always of excellent quality well made, original. This kit offers a couple of bunnies in love, who share a basin in Eskimo style, ie "rubbing" the noses ... I'm stuffed bunnies, a bit 'patched with patches on the ears and even in the clothes, but the' cute picture, the soft colors, the point written surrounds the design but in some places broken, a way to lighten the contours and make the most similar to a drawing image made in pencil. The pattern in black and white, big and easy. Suitable for a picture in the room of the little more, but also to sew as a "patch" (given the modest size: cm. 17.5 x 12.5) with "on demand" points, such as on a pillow made with cloth little hearts, for Valentine party, or as a staple birth to a pair of twins. The shadow in the background, designed as an irregular patch of yellow, that gives brightness to the scene, whilst maintaining and enhancing pastel shades that characterize the entire embroidery. Cinzia.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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