Table Topper - Christmas Bird
Table Topper - Christmas Bird

Table Topper - Christmas Bird

Cross-stitch kit - Homeware

From: Luca-S

1 reviews | Write your review

Kit that includes a white tablecloth with hemmed inwoven border, yarns (Anchor 32 colours) and instructions.
Dimensions : 45 cm. x 45 cm. (stitchable area - Zweigart Lugana 25 ct. - 52% cotton and 48% viscose - 37 cm. x 37 cm.)
UPC/EAN: 4840746040580

[KITLUCAS-FM015 #133303]
Christmas Towel and Tablecloth Tablelinens Birds
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Luca-S - Bestsellers

  1 Customers Reviews (2.00
BrPe19659 Monday 21 October, 2019

I recently purchased the kit. I really appreciated the reason, the scheme and the yarns, but unfortunately I found some important errors in the description of the product: - the dimensions of the center table are 45 centimeters for 45 and not 75 x 75 - there is no embroiderable area, but the fabric is uniform - the fabric is not in pure cotton, but it is certainly partly synthetic as it has a "shimmering" effect (when I asked Casa Cenina for clarification I was told that it is the Lugana Zweigart fabric). I cannot evaluate the product positively because there are too many discrepancies between the description of the product itself and what I received
Hello and thank you for your review :-) When you reported your (right) concerns, we also told you that we would check with the producer, to verify the description and so we did and we updated accordingly. It was a typo, as the expression "100% cotton" refers only to yarns (as we have ascertained with the manufacturer), while the fabric that makes up the placemat is a Lugana, as shown now . We apologize again for the qui pro quo. Best wishes.
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]
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