Funny but useful accessories

That of embroidery is an art that even if gives birth to very elegant and fine products, it often starts from basic and cheap materials. You just need some threads, a needle and a piece of fabric as to create some real masterpieces with a low expense!
But the work, whether it is an embroidery, a knitted creation, a quilt etc., can be even simpler and quicker if you use some functional and at the same time nice accessories.
The queen of this type of products is
Prym always more present in our catalog with its articles which make embroidery and manual arts a very easy thing!
Like this
pompon set which allows you to create some pompons in 4 different dimensions. Stick them on scarfs, pull-overs, sweaters or use them to decorate dolls or puppets for your children.
By the way, we are getting into the knitting world with the
thimble for Norwegian works which with its 2 threads guide makes knitting quicker! For all types of knitting we recommend instead the
universal rotally indicated for all crochets of all measures. It's a very simple accessory which allows you to count the tours made when you leave a knitted work and when you start it once again.
If you embroider or crochet, a very useful product is
plastic finger-guard, which will protect your fingers when creating your doilies.
Finally, if you are passionated with manual arts or if you are simply looking for an instrument to renew an old sweater full of piles, this
Lint Shaver is perfect for you! It is also available in
a Maxi version.